A place for Co-op Members to keep everyone informed of news and latest activities and creations.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Fountains Waterwalls FAQ's Contact Us Links Morris Morris August Guest Artist Waterscapes LLC is a 14 year old Northwest company specializing in water features of natural stone to include Waterfalls, Ponds, Pondless waterfall Streams & Waterwalls of stone, metal & glass. Filtrific advanced water feature system Waterscapes has installed exterior ponds ranging from 500 gal to 85,000gal (Koi pond) to a 1.5 ton waterjet cut glass indoor waterfeature. Waterscapes work with each client for design development on a personal one on one basis from rough design ideas to completion. There by assuring complete client satisfaction from start to finish. Woody Morris incorporated Waterscapes in 1997. Motivated by his passion for design and his background in art & design, Woody wanted to combine his talents with a medium that was both satisfied and brought a TOUCH OF NATURE to his clients. With his love for water & stone this was a perfect match. He was able to work with world renown glass artist Dale Chihuly in the design & installation of his famous indoor lap pool. While working as head of the in-ground swimming pool division for a Seattle based spa and swimming pool company he was able to use his design ability to design a Street of Dreams swimming pool which won a APSP (Association of Pool and Spa Professionals) Gold medal design award for excellence. He has been participating in Northwest Flower & Gardens show since 1999. Winning awards for his gardens in 2000, 2001, 2002. 2003 brought the beginning of waterscapes waterwalls which Woody designs and builds in his studio located in Freeland, WA. His studio is on scenic Whidbey Island. With over 125 in-ground swimming pools installed to his credit and over 18 years in the waterfeature business. Woody brings design, knowledge and technical experience to his clients. Waterscapes is a custom design build hands on company with over 18 years experience in the waterfeature business. We are in the business to create a reputation for Quality workmanship and creativity. For questions regarding pricing, water features please call or email. Contact us page. About Us