A place for Co-op Members to keep everyone informed of news and latest activities and creations.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Still Working

I must always watch for opportunities to create. I have put a lot of work into managing the local eagles Fred & Ethel and developing preconceived compositions. I have installed another perch on the beach. Every year the winter storms take out the perch. I have been wanting to get shots of an eagle or two at sunrise, or shortly after. This morning held promise of some good color so I was down on the shore at 5 AM. Color was not very good but Fred and Ethel appeared. So I took lots of shots and this was one of my favorites.

Some people and galleries don't consider photography as art. But if they only knew how much planning, work, and skill goes into making good images perhaps they would change their opinion.


  1. Having been with you side by side on many photo journeys over the years, I am aware of the level of committment and detail needed to take good photos. You taught me much on those trips!

    Great shots, and not surprised you were up at the crack of dawn trying to capture the perfect shot!
